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 Creative Group Testimonials

"Jason's humility and desire to help me grow on my journey was so instrumental that I honestly believe I would not be doing the work I am today if he hadn't opened the door for me to take the next step into leadership..."
- Curt Storring


Jason is an incredible facilitator. His depth and breadth of knowledge continually surprises me, even after 2.5 years working together. He is authentic, curious, supportive, but also challenging when the moment calls for it, and he has the discernment to know when to use each skill.


When I first started working with Jason, I came in with a lot of energy to share, be vulnerable, and figure my life out. What I didn’t know was that soon after my group experience started, the next growth edge for me was leadership. Jason acted as a role model, a mentor, and a co-creator of experiences with me as he called me up to leadership, and helped me make a hard but vital transition. 


Jason’s humility and desire to help me grow on my journey was so instrumental that I honestly believe I would not be doing the work I am today if he hadn’t opened the door for me to take the next step into leadership. My work today is fulfilling, impactful, and filled with potential, and much of it is thanks to the power I was able to embody alongside Jason.


Jason has helped me lead, create, become more confident in my ability to show up and take up space, and has been a fantastic guide as I become a more well-rounded man.

Curt Storring, Founder of Dad.Work

"Jason's facilitation particularly helped me to get out of my head and step out of my comfort zone to start taking the risks required to get the outline I wanted in life."
- Kohei Yoshido

I was part of Jason's group between 2017 and 2019. Jason is a great facilitator who is very skilled at explaining concepts relevant to the topic of each meeting (e.g., productivity, goal-setting, and creativity) in simple language, effectively structuring each meeting by having clear agenda and meeting objectives, while ensuring to establish a culture in which everyone could be honest and accountable with each other.


One of the key lessons I learned from participating in the group facilitated by Jason is the value of providing and receiving honest feedback. Though I initially struggle to give constructive feedback that could potentially hurt others' feelings as well as receiving ones to further improve myself, after consistently engaging with the group during the 2 years, I've become comfortable with being honest with others and myself. This was made only possible as Jason created a safe container in which all group members could tap into their authentic selves. 

Jason's facilitation particularly helped me to get out of my head and step out of my comfort zone to start taking the risk required to get the outcome I wanted in life. During my time with the group, for instance, I enrolled in acting and improv class which required me to put myself out there that I wouldn't have otherwise done if it weren't for the encouragement and guidance I received from him and the other group members. As a result, even after I left the group to focus on other endeavors, now I feel more confident in taking risks in life and engaging in creative activities that my heart truly desires without the fear of stepping outside my comfort zone.

Kohei Yoshido, Founder of KnowYourself Consulting


"With Jason's leadership and space-holding presence, I've witnessed deep insights, clarities and breakthroughs...."
- Mark Usher


It has been a profoundly enjoyable experience being in the presence of Jason’s capacity as a group facilitator. Jason possesses an embodied heart-centred and compassionate approach allowing the intuitive inner wisdom of participants to naturally emerge with minimal yet potent prompts from him. With Jason’s leadership and space-holding presence, I’ve witnessed deep insights, clarities and breakthroughs regularly flow into the space for myself personally and all other group participants.  Yet, this radically effective and non-interfering facilitation approach is counter-balanced with an immediate willingness to intervene with calm assertive directness when emotional reactivity surfaces within group dynamics together. This confident interventional decisiveness allows for truly intense engagement necessary for the greatest growth and expansion to happen in a way that remains safe for everyone participating. Safe guarding this sacred balance between allowing intensity of engagement and maintaining emotional safety is where I witness uncommon facilitative mastery in Jason.  


Personally, over the course of my experience with Jason’s group facilitation I have come to reconnect with my deepest authentic truth as a man. It has rekindled a fiery willingness within to step into the arena of life expressing my truth unapologetically protected by a newfound capacity in myself to set non-negotiable boundaries when necessary. Tangible benefits in my life include deeper presence in intimate relationships, being more patient in my parenting, breaking my habit of procrastination and taking significant action in my mission, progressively overcoming money wounds and trusting my intuitive guidance in challenging life situations. 


My deepest shift has come directly from the group culture of deep love and acceptance Jason’s leadership has created. The group embodies such a level of loving compassion that I have come to find a source of self-love and acceptance in relating with myself on levels that literally brought tears of gratitude to my eyes on several occasions during circle time with Jason.


It is with confidence that I would refer any person to Jason for his embodied facilitative presence and leadership.

Mark Usher, Men’s life coach

"He knows how to navigate the thin line between challenging you and giving you space to be vulnerable." - Kenny Alami


When you see Jason in action, you can feel the work put in over the years to become a great leader. 


He knows how to navigate the thin line between challenging you and giving you space to be vulnerable. 


Over the course of a year in the group with Jason, the main change I experienced was to open up and be more vulnerable. I thought I already was, but apparently not enough. I’m the only one not seeing my blind spots, and it helps to have others point them out.


The takeaway of coaching with Jason is growth. I’ll expose my problem and get direct applicable perspectives and feedback to become better. That’s priceless.

Kenny Alami, PM in Video Game Development

"I learned what healthy masculinity looks like both from the example Jason set, but also from the curriculum of the group."
- Nathaniel Hoffman

I spent over two years in the group with Jason, and in that time I was routinely impressed with his intuitive diagnostic skills. In many volatile situations, I watched him be composed and surgical with his feedback to the betterment of the group. His approach was usually calm and collected unless a situation needed more fire, and when it did, he used it in a controlled, healthy, and effective way.


Being in the group gave me an evolving education that matched the level I was at, and always pushed me to be just a little better. I felt challenged but never overwhelmed and always supported. That speaks not only to Jason as a mentor, but also as a culture setter- the men in the group believed in his approach and were willing to follow suit.


My biggest breakthrough was that I learned what it means to be responsible for oneself. Not just to take care of the mind and body (which were things I was not doing) but also the spirit- I was emboldened to follow my heart, even when some of the people around me were telling me not to. 


I learned what healthy masculinity looks like, both from the example Jason set and the curriculum of the group. I learned men come in all sorts, whereas before I had a very narrow idea of what a ‘man’ was or should be. Now I know there are no ‘shoulds,’ but there is always a way we can honor ourselves and our communities a little better.


Courage. I was the biggest people-pleaser imaginable before joining the group, and throughout my time I learned not only how to stand up to bullies but also when to have the courage to decide if a relationship was no longer serving me, and if so to say goodbye. 


Self-esteem. I had very low self-worth prior to joining the group, but as I began taking more responsibility for my own care and happiness I began to trust in myself more and more. 


Compassion, and connection. As my self-worth grew, along with Jason’s feedback, I began to realize the ways in which I was self-centered. I became more invested in other people, caring about what they had to say and what their stories were. Now I feel profoundly more connected to everyone I meet- it’s really impossible to describe, and I am so grateful. I could not imagine returning to the way I was before the group, and I will carry these lessons with me the rest of my life.

Nathaniel Hoffman, Writer

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"My time with him initiated the greatest time of growth in my life." - LeRoy Gordon


Jason Chau has impacted my life more than he probably even realizes. My time with him facilitating the men's group I was a member of initiated the greatest time of growth in my life.


He wields both compassion and directness very skillfully. Both things that I needed to achieve that growth.

When I started in the group, my relationships with family could be described as fine, at best. I have hope for all of those relationships that wasn't nearly as accessible before being in his group. I also learned so much about leadership from him. I always found myself in leadership roles and thought I did well but Jason showed me a whole other side.


The biggest lesson was to be me and I've found infinite power in that skill. It has shown up in every area of life.

When I shared with him I knew he was listening deeply. He always responded with an intuitive wisdom that really made me feel seen. His style not only served me but helped me rely on my inner voice even more because I saw him do it so well.

LeRoy Gordon, Social Media Influencer

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